
Saturday 7 June 2014

june bloom

It is incredibly grey and gloomy here and SoCal. Most people call it June gloom, but for us phamsters, we have a different point of view. Our front garden and plants around the house are greener than ever before. If you go on google earth or google street view, our house is the only one in the entire street to plan our own produce to this degree. Some folks here take it easy and plan a couple of this and a couple of that. But, not us. At this point, the plants have almost surrounded the house and it's making its way towards to roof.

In the eyes a lot of conservative Chinese immigrants and 2nd-3rd generation, we are frugal and healthy. In the eyes of homeowners, we are home wreckers (in a literate sense). In the eyes of meat lovers, we are vegan. But most importantly, our eyes, we just enjoy planting and eating our own organic stuffs. Plain and simply. Although, tendering a garden takes a massive load of time and energy, we have saved thousands of dollars on vegetables. So, we will continue to do so because organic food (obviously) is good for you and taste better.

Stay green.


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